Local Rules
Penalty for Breach of a Local Rule
Match Play: Loss of Hole
Stroke Play: General Penalty
Temporary Local Rules
Please refer to the Clubhouse windows nearest the Pro Shop for announcements
Inclement Weather
The Club reserves the right to close the course and/or to suspend play and call players in from the course in dangerous weather conditions such as lightning, high winds, or high temperature. Refer to rule 5.7.
Dropping Stakes – 3rd, 6th and 15th Holes.
3rd Hole
If a ball enters the Tea Trees on either side of the green between the area marked by white stakes, the player may play the ball as it lies, or choose to use the dropping stake – whether the ball is found or lost – at the back of the green with a penalty of one stroke (see ‘Dropping Stake Procedure’).
6th Hole
A ball ending up in the red penalty area at the back of the 6th green is subject to rule 17: ‘Penalty Areas’. The exception to rule 17 is where a ball is lost, or the player chooses the option of taking relief. In this instance, the player must drop the ball at the dropping stake with a penalty of one stroke (see ‘Dropping Stake Procedure’).
15th Hole
The solar panel compound adjacent to the fairway is considered an immovable obstruction’ as described in rule 16.1.It must be known or virtually certain that the ball is in the obstruction. In the absence of such knowledge or certainty the player must proceed under rule 18.2a: Ball Lost or Out of Bounds. That is, If the ball is identified as being in the solar panel compound the player must drop a ball, without penalty at the dropping stake adjacent to the compound (see ‘Dropping Stake Procedure’).
Dropping Stake Procedure
- The dropping stake will be white in colour, approximately 1 metre high with the words “Dropping Stake” printed on at least two sides.
- The ball MUST be dropped as per rule 14.3: Dropping Ball in Relief Area. That is, within two club lengths of the dropping stake and not nearer to the hole.
- The dropping stake is considered to be an immovable obstruction.
Relief From Capeweed
If a player’s ball comes to rest on or touches Capeweed (aka dandelions) on the fairway of the hole being played, relief may be taken without penalty by dropping the ball within one club length of the position of the ball no nearer the hole.
Out Of Bounds Delineation
All boundary fences and black and white posts define out of bounds.
Defined Practice Areas
The practice putting and chipping areas and the practice fairway at VHGC are defined by black and white posts. Practice is only permitted within the boundaries of those posts and balls MUST only be hit from within the defined area. Players practising outside those boundaries on any stroke competition round are breaching rule 5.2b: Stroke Play. In such instances, a general penalty will be applied to their first hole.
Relief From Exposed Tree Roots
If a player’s ball lies in the general area and there is interference from making a stroke by exposed tree roots that are in the general area that is cut to fairway height or less or in the rough within 3 club lengths from the edge of the area cut to fairway height or less, the tree roots are treated as GROUND UNDER REPAIR. The player MAY take free relief under Rule 16.1b “Relief for Ball in General Area”.
Relief is not allowed if the tree roots only interfere with the player’s stance. Penalty for playing the ball from a wrong place in breach of a local rule is a general penalty under rule 14.7A: Place from Where Ball Must Be Played.
Ball Deflected by Power Lines or Stobie Poles
If it is known, or fairly certain, that a player’s ball hit a power line or stobie pole during the play of the 1st, 10th or 11th holes, the player must replay the stroke by playing the original ball or another ball from the spot where that stroke was made (see rule 14.6).
If the player replays the stroke but does so from a wrong place, they incur a general penalty under rule 14.7.
If the player does not replay the stroke, they incur the general penalty and the stroke counts, even though the player has not played from a wrong place.
Measuring Devices
Only devices measuring distance are allowed.
Ground Under Repair
Where a ball lies in GUR defined by white stakes or white lines, the player must take relief as per rule 16: Relief from Abnormal Ground Conditions.
Bunkers With Abnormal Ground Conditions
If the ball lies in animal prints (excluding human) in the bunker, or in washaways in the bunker, or at the margins of the bunkers caused by water flowing down the banks, free relief may be taken as per rule 16.1C: Relief for Ball in Bunker.
Interference occurs only when the ball lies in or touches the condition and does not exist if the condition only interferes with a player’s stance.
Additional Immovable Obstructions
In addition to immovable obstructions as defined by the rules of golf, relief may also be taken as per rule 16: Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions, for the following:
- Trees with stakes or guards
- Artificial surfaced roads or paths
- All garden beds
Mud Rule
The mud rule will be permanently in place from May 1 until August 31. If the mud rule is to be applied outside of these dates due to inclement weather, the Proshop will place a sign on the 1st Tee to advise players that the mud rule is in play for the day (no sign, no mud rule)
If the ball is in the general area and there is mud on the ball, the ball may be lifted, cleaned, and replaced without penalty.
Note: the ball must have a lump of mud, rather than just being dirty. The player must first confirm with their opponent/marker that mud is adhering to the ball before lifting.