Keep Pace & Avoid Slow Play


The number one problem in golf today, as evidenced by the overwhelming golfer complaint, is SLOW PLAY! In the interests of avoiding slow play, it is the duty of all players to keep up with the group in front, not in front of the group behind. The following tips can help you keep pace with the group in front of you at all times.

  • In the event of a lost ball, call the following group through immediately
  • Move quickly between shots and be ready to play when it is your turn
  • Leave buggies on the side of the green nearest the access to the next tee
  • Do not mark scorecards on the green
  • Do not take excessive practice swings and do not replay putts after completing the hole when other groups are following
  • In other than stroke competitions, pick up your ball when you cannot score

In the interests of speeding up play, players are encouraged to adopt the ‘ready golf’ principles – no honours on tee or green (the first player ready plays first) and staying ready in the fairway to play when clear ahead.

If players are prevented from compliance by the slowness of players in front and there is a clear hole ahead of the players in front, the players being prevented from compliance must notify the players in front that they intent to play through and the players in front must then immediately stand aside from the line of play and allow them to pass.

Remember, by keeping pace you make the game more enjoyable for everyone!