Extreme Weather Policy

POLICY GROUP: Course and Match
POLICY NAME: No. 12 Extreme Weather Policy
REVISION: Rev:- 1 Dated:- 14/06/2023
Author Ray Duncan, General Manager
Reviewed by GAR 14/6/2023
Approved by CoM  
Next Scheduled Review 30/6/2024
Related Document(s)  


This policy has been created to provide consistent procedure for both staff and committee members in closing the course due to extreme weather.

The Victor Harbor Golf Club Extreme Weather Conditions Policy has been introduced to ensure there are appropriate policies in place to mitigate risks to players, caddies, officials and spectators (“Participants”) if an extreme weather event occurs. The objectives of this policy are to: – better manage the health and safety of Participants” at the Club; and – provide a process to manage extreme weather. 

For the purposes of this policy, weather is extreme if it threatens the health and/or safety of Participants. It includes rain, lightning, wind, heat and weather causing poor visibility. In the case of extreme weather, the Club will use information sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology and thencurrent conditions to assess if it will modify, postpone or cancel any golf event at the Club. This policy is advisory and general in nature and should not be relied upon to meet individual or specific requirements. It is not binding on the Club and has no legal force. This guidance will not cover each and every circumstance nor can it, when adhered to, entirely eliminate the risk or possibility of loss or injury.

The Club is not rendering professional advice to any person and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Club disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, damage or liability which may be suffered or incurred by any person as a consequence of reliance upon anything contained in or omitted from this policy.

Extreme Heat

Heat Policy:

Should the forecast temperature predicted for Victor Harbor at 4.00pm on the evening before the day of competition be 38 degrees according to BOM Encounter Bay or more, the competition times for that day will be adjusted such that start time will be 7.00 am to 8.50 am only with a “two-tee start.”

No competition entries will be accepted outside these times.

  • The course will remain open for members’ play at their own discretion but not in the competition if outside the 8.50 am closing time.
  • The General Manager (GM), Captain or Golf Professional will inform the members of the modified competition times at or after 4.00 pm on the day prior to the competition.
  • Time sheet bookings will remain so that all players who have booked will be assured of their game if they have a time within the modified competition times. Otherwise, to play in the competition players will need to make a booking within the limited times available on the 10th tee. (Should provide for approximately 128 players in total)
  • Sunday tee times may be limited due to Social Group bookings.
  • Should the event for the day be of a significant nature e.g., Medal, the event will be transferred to a date to be determined.
  • Should the forecast temperature according to BOM Encounter Bay at 4.00pm be 42 degrees or more the course will be closed.

Lightning Policy

The Rules of Golf acknowledge that lightning on golf courses has caused deaths and injuries and urges golf clubs to take precautions for the protection of golfers against lightning. Rule 6-8b and Appendix 1-5 make provision for “Suspension of Play due to a Dangerous Situation”. Such provision permits the GM, Captain or Golf Professional to suspend play or for players to discontinue play if they believe that there is a danger from lightning.

Staff members will have the My Lightning Tracker App downloaded and active on their phones, set to provide notifications within 60km of the Club. Once lightning is detected within this range play will be suspended.

The GM, Captain or Golf Professional will determine when play is to resume. Failure to discontinue play on the advice may result in disqualification.

Players who discontinue play without specific permission must report to the Match Committee (MC) as soon as practicable. This can include a note left with your score card. No penalty will be applied if the reason is satisfactory. Otherwise, the player will be disqualified.


  • 50% of people struck by lightning in the world are golfers
  • Do not continue to play
  • Do not put up an umbrella because it is a possible conductor
  • Do not shelter under a tree
  • Get down low, crouch on the balls of your feet (as it reduces your contact with the ground) or sit on insulating material (such as a golf bag)
  • Hands should be kept on your knees rather than touching the ground
  • If you consider it safe, head to the clubhouse as a priority
  • Do not use your mobile phone


If fog or darkness descends to a degree where the landing zone for all shots is not visible to players, players should seek confirmation of the lack of visibility from their playing partners and, in the interests of player and staff safety, play must be suspended. Players may mark their balls and resume play when the landing zone for all shots becomes visible. For players who have not yet commenced play of the 1 st hole, if fog descends to a degree where the trees to the left of the start of the fairway on the 1st hole are not visible from the flagpole, play must be suspended. Play may commence when those trees are visible from the flagpole.

Strong Winds / Fire / Other Natural Disasters Policy

Should the forecast at 4.00pm according to BOM Encounter Bay on the day before a competition be for winds likely to exceed 50 kph where the GM, Captain or Golf Professional considers such strong winds to be a danger to players, play will be suspended.

On days of extreme fire danger or other Natural Disasters the Club will monitor Emergency Services advice and act accordingly. Should a situation arise where the GM, Captain or Golf Professional considers Fire or other Natural Disasters to be a danger to players, play will be suspended.

Course Unplayable

If the Course Superintendent, GM, Captain or Golf Professional consider that for any reason the course is not in a playable condition or that there are circumstances that render the proper playing of the game impossible it may order a temporary suspension of play or cancel all scores for the round.

On advice from the GM, Captain or Golf Professional of a situation which warrants suspension of play, players must discontinue play immediately.

Siren Notification Procedures – Suspension and Resumption of Play Signals

The Club will signal to players the suspension and subsequent resumption of play as follows: –

Immediate Stop: One prolonged note of the siren. Players must immediately cease play, mark their ball and make their way to the clubhouse or nearest point of safety.

Normal Stop: Three consecutive notes of the siren. Players may complete the hole being played but must not commence the next hole (Refer to Rule 5.7b (2)). Players should then make their way to the clubhouse or nearest point of safety.

Resume play: Two short notes of the siren Refer to Rule 5.7c. Players return to play is sanctioned. Any refusal to comply will result in disqualification.

If it is considered appropriate, carts from the pro shop will be dispatched to in the warning of dangers.

NOTE: The General Manager, Captain and Golf Professional will assume the responsibility for any decisions relating to competitions and this policy. Any actions that affect the state of play, should they be required, will be conveyed to members via various media and the Golf Professional.

Approved by Committee of Management on: 27 June 2023
Effective From: 27 June 2023