Relief from Membership Subscriptions Policy

POLICY GROUP:General Policies
POLICY NAME:Relief from Membership Subscriptions
REVISION:Rev:- 1 Dated:- 10/08/2023
AuthorRay Duncan, General Manager
Reviewed by GAR10/8/2023
Approved by CoM 
Next Scheduled Review30/8/2023
Related Document(s) 





  1. To clarify the prerequisites for members seeking relief from, or refund of annual membership subscriptions (if requested).


  1. Relief shall be granted on the grounds of medical disability or death.
  2. Relief from fees shall not be processed in the absence of a written application for relief.
  3. Applications on medical grounds will only be considered when the period of disability is expected to be three (3) months or more.
  4. Refunds shall only be made in cases of permanent disability or death
  5. Refunds shall be calculated on a “per month” basis, from the last day of the month in which incapacity or death occurred.
  6. In cases of temporary disability, the value of subscription fees for the period of the disability (unused portion) will be credited to the member’s account.
  7. If the application for fee relief meets the criteria set out in this policy, a letter shall be sent to the member stating that the application is approved. The letter shall also clearly outline the applicable sections of the policy.


  1. Death of a Member
    In the unfortunate event of death satisfactory evidence is only required. Furnishing of a death certificate shall not be requested, however it will be accepted if the family wishes to provide it.
    1. Period of Refund
      In most cases the refund shall be calculated from the date of death to 30 September.
      In cases where the member may have been sick for a period prior to death, the period may be calculated from the commencement of the member’s inability to play golf.
    2. Amount of Refund
      The maximum refund shall be the full year’s subscription.
      Refund will be pro-rata annual subscription fees only.
      No refund shall be provided for non-subscription payments (eg: levies, affiliation fees & insurances, cart registration etc). A credit note shall be processed and a payment raised for the same amount.
  2. Permanent Disability of a Member
    Members must provide a letter applying for relief from payment of subscriptions at time of injury/illness. Cannot be claimed retrospectively.
    A medical certificate or some other satisfactory evidence of the illness or injury must also accompany the letter.
    1. Period of Refund
      The period shall be calculated from the date of the accident or illness which gave rise to the disability, to 30 September.
    2. Amount of Refund
      The maximum refund shall be the full year’s subscription.
      Refund will be pro-rata annual subscription fees only.
      No refund shall be provided for non-subscription payments (eg: levies, affiliation fees & insurances, cart registration etc)
      A credit note shall be processed, and a payment raised for the same amount.
  3. Temporary Disability of a Member (Leave of Absence – LOA)
    Members must provide a letter applying for relief from payment of subscriptions.
    A medical certificate or some other satisfactory evidence of the illness or injury must also accompany the letter.
    1. Period of Credit
      The period shall be calculated from the date of accident or illness which gave rise to the disability to the date that the member starts to play golf again.
    2. Amount of Credit
      Where the period of disability ends prior to 30 September the calculated amount shall be credited to the member’s account for the following subscription year.
      A credit note shall be processed for the amount credited.
      Where the period of disability spans 30 September, a credit note shall be processed up to 30 September.
      The member shall not be expected to pay fees for the new financial year until the date of return to golf is determined. An invoice will then be raised for the period from the date of return to golf to 30 September.
      The amount payable will be the balance of the member’s account.
      Where the balance of the members account is in credit, the credit balance shall be applied to the following year’s fees. If the member does not renew their subscription in the following year, the credit balance in the members account is not refundable to the member and an invoice will be raised to clear the credit balance.
    3. All credits will be allocated in the next membership year.
      If the member has a monthly or quarterly direct debit payment, then the direct debit needs to continue to be paid. Any credit will be allocated in the next financial year. This is necessary to have a consistent rule for all members, whichever way they pay their subscriptions.
    4. Status of Membership during Absence
      A member will be transferred to the “Absentee” category for the period of the absence. The member will retain whatever rights they would normally have under their normal membership in relation to voting, committee membership etc. If the period of the absentee membership
      exceeds 12 months, then all additional membership rights (i.e. voting, committee membership) are suspended until the member becomes a normal golfing member.
      While a member is in the absentee membership category there is no access to Golflink.
      Full rights for their normal membership category are reinstated when the member revert to their normal category.