Social Media Policy

POLICY GROUP: General Policies
POLICY NAME: Social Media Policy
Reviewed by GAR  
Approved by CoM  
Next Scheduled Review  
Related Document(s)  


The Victor Harbor Golf Club (Club) promotes a safe and open social media environment where the community and workers can engage with one another. This Club also takes a zero tolerance towards abuse of its use.


This policy outlines the responsibilities of all workers who use social media. Social media consists of tools such as websites and applications that allow users to create and share content and to participate in social networking.

Guidelines Administrator

VHGC is committed to enhancing our communication with members and potential members through social media tools, in this instance Facebook. This communication strategy has been developed with the view to increasing awareness of our brand, our club services and facilities and to facilitate positive communication between ourselves and our members, potential members and the golf community.

We encourage members to become fans and followers of our Facebook page and share club related content within their personal social networks. However, any official Club related content and posts must be administered only by the designated administrators of the Club or approved for submission by them or the designated contributors.


Main Administrator: General Manager


Members may like, comment or express their personal thoughts on updates or posts but are asked to adhere to the following conditions of use:

When associating yourself with the VHGC Facebook page, you may not

  • post photos that may compromise the professionalism and reputation of the Club
  • use hostile or defamatory language
  • disclose private or confidential information about the Club, it’s members, guests, suppliers or employees
  • pass judgment on other golf clubs or associations

When associating yourself with the VHGC Facebook page, you are expected to:

  • Contact the main administrator immediately if there is any information that may be perceived as defamatory or contentious to VHGC.  If in doubt, please contact the main administrator or general manager for advice
  • Show respect to the online community and members as you would if they were in the same room as you
  • Conduct yourself in a professional manner and respect the views and opinions of others
  • The club maintains the right to monitor club-related member activity in social networks and reserves the right to remove any information that does not comply with the above conditions of use.