Volunteers At Victor Harbor Golf Club


Victor Harbor Golf Club Needs Volunteers

Becoming a Volunteer for the Victor Harbor Golf Club can be very rewarding, often fun filled and sometimes demanding when we experience a storm affecting the course. Volunteers are primarily sourced from our membership base and their spouses.


Did you know that current Club volunteers spend more than 2,000 hours per annum supporting the Club. Based on a conservative labour rate of $30.00 per hour the annual savings to the Club exceed $60,000.

The above hours exclude the many hours that your Committee members spend managing the affairs of the Club.

Overall, it is estimated your giving as a volunteer is worth in excess of $100,000 per annum; a truly remarkable contribution.

We have various groups of volunteers which are listed latter in these pages.

Volunteer Groups

Volunteers wishing to provide equipment (under your control)

Current Volunteer projects
Register as a volunteer here with the Victor Harbor Golf Club.


Becoming a VHGC Volunteer



There are a number of important matters that you may need to consider before taking on a volunteering role. These might include:

  • what the position will involve

  • types of activities or projects

  • training, support while volunteering

  • time involved – long or short term

  • rights and responsibilities

You can also play a role by letting the Club know if you think you need training or other resources to do the job well.


Volunteering is a partnership between you and the Club. As a volunteer, you can expect induction, training if you need it and a safe environment to work in. It’s also important to give and receive feedback, and do work that reflects the volunteer project or designated duties and also to have fun with your fellow volunteers.

The Club will:

  • provide sufficient training and orientation for you to carry out your volunteer role effectively

  • be clear about their expectations of you

  • keep you informed

  • respect your opinions and ideas and give them fair consideration

  • provide a safe and healthy work environment.

The Club will expect you to:

  • undertake the job you have agreed to do

  • look after your own health and safety at work and be accountable for your actions

  • not do anything that will harm yourself or your work-mates

  • make sure that you do not take drugs or drink alcohol while working

  • use safety equipment that you are given

  • be respectful to others

  • accept directions

  • inform the supervisor when something goes wrong or isn’t working

  • co-operate with other volunteers and staff

  • respect property, materials and equipment

  • be open to change and ready to learn new skills.


The Club meets its responsibilities by:

  • implementing a risk management plan, if the project is significant otherwise normal risk management practice is followed

  • making sure that its supervisors and managers are adequately skilled to show volunteers how to perform their work safely and without injury

  • ensuring that responsible supervisors or managers exercise due diligence by:

  • learning about work health and safety

  • identifying the Club’s particular safety challenges

  • ensuring that work health and safety policies are maintained.


Unlike paid staff, volunteers are not covered by award conditions or workplace agreements. However, as a volunteer you are covered under the Club’s Volunteers Insurance policy.

Volunteer Groups

You are invited to join the following volunteer groups of which each has a description of their respective roles:


Volunteers on standby to clear debris off the Course and other tasks following storms or wind damage.


Volunteers who provide regular maintenance on the Course to support greenkeepers.


Volunteers who provide catering services for the Club outside that which might be provided by the Club’s caterers. Gourmet Chefs operate BBQ’s during sponsor days and other events held on the Course. Gastronomic skills is not a prerequisite.


Volunteers with a clerical or business background that can perform miracles in managing administration activities.


Manage and improve the landscape of the Golf Course and its surrounds.


Volunteers who assist in the twice yearly scarifying and coring of Course greens.


Volunteers who dream up and manage social activities for the Club. They also look after our social members.


Volunteers who make themselves available for dedicated projects as and when established by the Club under a project plan. Projects can last a day, several days or over a given period or months. An example could be supporting the removal of a series of trees, Tee improvements, etc.